Sunday, February 12, 2012

Early Education

Ghana's Minister of Education, Mrs. Betty Mould thinks she has a solution to Ghana's economic and social problems. The Minister believes that by providing an early childhood education will reduce or vanish some of the problems in Ghana. In my opinion, I do believe that if the early childhood education plan goes into effect immediately it would change the perspectives and problems of Ghana if the citizens are willing for their children to be exposed to these different solutions. Yet, with all of this in mind, the parents of these children know that is one less person in the fields, one less person working in the family, one less person earning enough money to support the family, and I can see this becoming an argument if this idea was to pass. Thinking back to my early childhood and pondering what I would have done if I did not learn the alphabet during the childhood stage or even how to count to ten until I was 12 years old. It would be dreadful, but after reading this article I understand that their are people who are not educated on the importance of education. So, with the Ashamian High School Project, I would like to let everyone of their students know how much we are willing to educate, inform, and transform the lives of each one of those students working us. 



Thursday, February 9, 2012

False Future for Ghanaians

Fellow Readers,

As most of you may know that in America anyone is capable of receiving a free education, receiving educational grants for college, and are able to fill out a Free Application for Financial Student Aid that is all provided by the government. In my opinion, it surprises me to read an article such as this because the individual behind this foolish act is creating a falsehood for Ghanaian students and parents. By giving false information that triggers an “imagined” hope for many Ghanaian students and their futures. With this in mind, this article, in relation to the Ashaiman High School project embodies a new idea for hope and change in the future of Ghanaian children as well as the administrators in the schools. Ashaiman High School has been a developing project for the Maymester group year after year and we, as Americans, should be considered “lucky” since we are provided with a free standard education without punishment. However, the Ashaiman High School project will give the students a great hope for their futures. So, they can adventure and see the world in different views like myself. In addition, after hearing from Amanda Sergeant, one of the student’s to participate in this project last year, she discussed that the students as well as the schools will be excited to see an African American male helping out the children. Thus, an article such as this does not help the students of Ghana, but creates a falsehood for them. With this project I would not want to develop a false sense of hope or to send letters of untrue information to these students of Ashaiman. I would like for us to think about why Ghana does not have a free public education system? OR why does America offer a free education system even if some do rather not use it?

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”- Ghandi